Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Obsessing over: this no-sugar thing! I LOVE IT and have never, ever felt better in my life. Sounds crazy, and I guess it is a pretty crazy thing to say, but it's true. This new way of life is so much better for me and for my family. Noah even ate veggies and shrimp last night! I am PINK obessed! (Oh BTW I am almost to the ten pound mark!)
Working on: my fitness. Remember that Fergie song? haha. But really, lately I've had such a fire burning under me to workout. I attribute this to my new way of eating. I still go to hot yoga all the time and love love love the way my body is feeling.
Thinking about: My choice to go back to almost full time at work. I worry I am going to miss my babies too much and regret this choice. But I know APS would not give me this oppertunity again so alas here goes nothing.
Anticipating: the birth of our sweet baby girl in just a week! I cant wait to get out to California and snuggle her and give her kisses! I just wish I knew what to call her (hint hint Jenny!)
Listening to: Adele's Set Fire to the Rain. I am obessed with her right now. Her songs are just beautiful and meaningful and full of everything that music should be!
Eating: Egg whites full of veggies...protien baby!
Wishing: that Grace would just sleep. Is that too much to ask for??? :P
How about you? What are you up to today?
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Five Months
I know this song is suppose to be about a relationship but everytime I hear it I can't help but think of you my Gracie Poo. You were sent to me from God and I thank him everyday that I was choosen to be your mommy!
Dear my Gracie girl,
You are five months now...where has the time gone! It seems as only yesterday we were preparing for you to come into our lives! You have brought us such joy in just the five short months you have been here. Here are some of the things that you have been doing this past month.
You are super inquisitive. You watch everything that is going on around you...you especially love to watch Noah and seem to just relish in everything he does. He continues to be the one who makes you laugh the most. I hope that this continues for the rest of your lives! Your smile and playfullness lights up the room!
You weigh 16.7 pounds and you are already wearing 6-9 month clothing. You are going to be long/tall like your brother and daddy! I am happy you will be tall...it will make you a better volleyball player ha!
You started daycare last week as mommy had to go back to work. It was so hard to leave you but you did great. I get daily texts from the girls who take care of you. You have already won their hearts as you did ours! Your smile is contagious and you love to talk talk talk!

Day One at Daycare

Day Two
You are still bottle feeding and drink 4-5oz. You still struggle with your reflux so Dr Grambort suggested going to see a specialist for it. Your appointment isn't till Feb so we have awhile to wait for that. The Dr was also concerned about your neck muscle so we have an appointment tomorrow with a specialist for that! Hopefully this is the one and only appointment we have and they can give us some helpful hints to help you
We went to see your Aunt Jenny and Uncle Jeff for Christmas this year. You got to go to Disneyland for your first time. You were a trouper! You even slept through Pirates of the Carribean and The Haunted Mansion. I bet next time we go your won't be sleeping through those :) You made out at xmas although you had no clue of course what was going on. You didn't do very good sleeping away from home and daddy and I were up 4-5 times a night with you. Needless to say it was not a restful vacation for us.

Mommy and you at the mall the day before xmas
Waiting in line at Disneyland with Gram and Jenny

In line with daddy

Christmas Morn

New Years Eve-Ready to party!
You talk constantly. You scream loud, you squeal, laugh and have all sorts of fun sounds you like to make. You still love to play on your mat and you are FINALLY trying to roll over. You also LOVE to sit in your bumbo. While we were at Aunt Jenny's we would sit you in the middle of the table and you would just talk and watch everything going on around you.

On your playmat

Entertaining everyone with that smile!
You are trying to sit up and are actually closer to sitting then rolling over. I can already tell you are going to do things on your own time and how you want. Stubborn...you must be a DUVALL!
You are now taking a paci to go to sleep which has made bedtime easier on all of us. Since we returned from California you have only gotten up once a night and even slept through the night one night!!! WOOOHOOO We are very thankful for that!
You know who alot of people are and recognize voices. You are not scared of strangers and will go to anyone which is wonderful.
You are a very happy baby and only fuss when you are tired or hungry.
Gracie, you are such a joy to be around. You make us smile constantly (yes even at 5 in the morning!) and bring so much love into our family. I can not imagine our lives without you. All of us adore you and love watching you discover new things. We can't wait to see what the next month brings...SIX MONTHS!
Love your mommy
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