Tuesday, January 1, 2013

My Year in Pictures

A year in pictures. One of my favorite end of year blog posts that I have found. This is my first year doing it but I look forward to doing for many years to come. I love sorting through past photos and thinking about all the good times of the past year.

1. Me! – What are you most proud of accomplishing in 2012?  I think what I am most proud of (besides just keeping my kids alive ha) is starting to advocate for my profession.  I have put my heart and soul into having our voice be heard not only in our distirct but throughout New Mexico.  I would say this is probably the most rewarding yet most scary thing I have EVER done.

2. I Love You – picture of your "loves".  This was by far my favorite picture of us this year.  Our trip to Dallas for the Rangers game that never was :(
3. Still Laughing… Pop trying to use an exploding egg on Noah and smaking him right in the face without it breaking! Hysterical!!!!

4. Winter Wonderland –Our last snow of 2012 and it was al melted by noon :(

5. Birthday-The first of many joint boy and girl birthdays!  Maybe we should have planned our pregnancies better :) 

6. Friends: Our annual Chama trip which I hope we do FOREVER! And my trip to visit my girl in her new hood.  I am so blessed by the women I have in my life.  Always and forever I will be thankful for you girls!

7. I Was Inspired…  by this man who after two kids and five years of hard work graduated with a double masters!  I could not be a prouder wife!
8. Spring Fever: Cousins in the park enjoying a beautiful spring day

9. Travel or Vacation: You know how much our family travels so here is one picture from each of my favorites..

Phoenix Trip

Chicago Trip
Denver Trip

10. Summer Days: Always swimming with Grammy! 

11. A Day In My Life....Hanging with these two...there's nothing better :)

12. All Smiles: Her smile makes me smile EVERY TIME!

13. Autumn Harvest: It is a family tradition to go to the Pumpkin Patch.  This year Gracie actually got to enjoy it!

14. Home...These people are all "home" to me

15. Let’s Do It Again… Fun times with my girls in Cruces!!!

16. I Miss You: Everyday!

17. Dress Up: Halloween fun!

18. Beautiful 

19. Holidays: Best picture EVER!

20. My Favorite: This picture is by far my favorite of the year!  Thanks Chels :)

Hopes and Dreams for 2013 – I hope for the most beautiful year, with more happiness than sadness. Lots of growing and journeys with friends. AND, an exciting year for my little loves!