It's been a rough couple of weeks in the Topley household. Not only with not sleeping because of the time change but Noah has really settled himself nicely into the makings of a three year old. All my girlfriends with older kids warned me. They said three's are the worst. I thought ya ya ok how hard can it really be. OMG! Some days I want to literally pull my hair out (or his!) He has an attitude of a 16 year old on hormones. One minute he is the awesome Noah that I love and the next a roaring psycho comes out. Here are some examples of both....
He loves Grace. He is so sweet to her. I will catch him kissing on her and loving on her when he thinks I am not looking. He tries to play with her and keep her entertained and if she is crying or just whining he always makes sure Daniel or I know that "gracie isn't ok." I love watching this and it gives a great image of how great of friends they will be. This is my sweet Noah I love.
He hates school and I mean hates it. He is a home body and would rather stay in his PJ's all day and hang with us. I do not tell him when he goes to school that Grace and I stay home. This would break him. But every school day is a battle to get him dressed, get his lunch made and get him out the door. He usually cries when Daniel drops him off. He misses his friends from "the baby school" and this breaks my heart. But now he is starting to act out at school. Just yesterday when I picked him up the ladies told me that he wouldnt sit for quiet time and wouldn't listen to them. This is defiantly not the Noah I love. His new thing to say is "you are not the boss of me" or "nope not gonna happen". I think he gets this from some kids at school and its driving me nuts. This is the three year old I dont like.
He got half of his trains thrown away for pulling attitude with me. I told him to pick up his room. He looked at me and said nope not gonna happen. I told him I would give him some time to get his attitude straightened out and he preceeded to tell me that I was not the boss. Needless to say my head almost exploded. I proceeded to pick up every toy that he decided not to put away and throw them in a trash bag. I have to say though that this worked. Every toy in the house was picked up and put into its place within record time. This is the three year old I don't like.
A postive thing right now is he loves to sing. He is constantly singing something. He often makes up his own songs about this he is doing which is so much like his daddy. It cracks us up. He will hear a song once or twice and know most of the words and tune soon after. His favorite song to sing this month is the goodbye song. He learned this at school and he loves singing it...at home, in the car, at the grocery store, to Grace. You name it! This is the Noah I love
I pray that this stage passes soon and doesn't last a year because I miss my sweet boy...come back to us Noah :)
oh yes, been there done that! all of it! throwing toys away is a BIGGIE for them. Reality check! Vance is a TOTAL homebody too. It makes him so mad he has to go to school. Though, thankfully, he does not act out. There. He saves all that b.s. for me. We all tried to tell you! 3 year olds SUCK! He'll outgrow it, I'm told. I'm still waiting....