Dear Gracie,
You are now a big four months old. It is hard to believe you have been with us for that long. I
often still think of you as my sleepy little newborn, but you are far from that! Here is a look at what you are up to this month:
You love to sit up and often cry if we lay you down. You are so interested in everything and are constantly looking around.
You were waking up only one a night but now you are back to two. Although you are now sleeping full time in your crib so no more car seat! Yay for that! I am sure its just an adjustment and we can go back to the once a night wake eat and go back to sleep mode. (Fingers are CROSSED!)
You love your schedule. You eat every 2-3 hours and nap in between each feeding still. In the evenings you cluster feed and go down around 7-7:30. You have now started eating a little cereal at night and you seem to enjoy it. You have a smile on your face the entire feeding.
You smile and talk and laugh all the time and you are LOUD! We love it. You have so much to say and get so excited when we are interacting with you. Your smiles are full face smiles and they are so stinkin' adorable. You love smiling at your big brother the most!
You love being in your bouncy seat or swing. You are starting to like sitting in the bumbo alot more then you use to so when Noah and I are doing an activity you sit in that and watch watch watch!
You grab everything. You reach for toys and teethers and love getting them and putting them straight in your mouth. You love putting anything and everything in your mouth and you often find your shirt and suck on it till its soaked! Your hands are constantly in your mouth.
You get fussy and mad when you are tired or hungry and it is so funny and sad at the same time. You make the cutest pouty face and your daddy and me just laugh and laugh! When you are hungry, you get MAD fast!
You love your bath and especially now that you get to take it with your brother. You lay there and laugh and laugh at him and his sillyness.
You are wearing mainly 3-6 month clothes, but quite a few 3 month still fit you. You are SUPER long and are starting to chunk out which I LOVE!. I think you weigh around 15-16 pounds still, but you have your 4 month check up in a couple days so I guess we will see :)
You have added so much joy to our lives, Gracie. We love you.
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