Sunday, February 19, 2012
I know wierd name for a blog post but I have to just say how much I love a paci (not for me for Grace!) Noah would never take a paci but he was and is a good sleeper so that didn't bother us much. Now that we have our little Gracie poo who thinks sleep is for the birds we tried the dreaded paci route. I just never wanted to have to wean her from the paci or go through power struggles around it. Well guess what...I have thrown all that bullshit out the door and if a paci is going to help her sleep she can have it till she is 21 for all I care! We are now down to 1 feeding a night thats right 1! We went from 6-8 times getting up a night to 2-3 times. We can pop her paci back in her mouth and she goes right back to sleep. It is heaven! So never ever will I judge people who take this approach...Im sorry that I did in the past....lesson learned! NEVER SAY NEVER bc it always seems to come and bite you in the ass! So if someone asks me if Grace would like a paci I would gladly say YES PLEASE :P
Saturday, February 11, 2012
6 months!
Dear Gracie,
6 Months Old!!! I can not believe it! I feel as though we have just met! This time is going by much faster with you then it did with your brother. Slow down time!
You are just getting more and more fun everyday. Your personality is just shining through. You still love your brother more then anything else. And I can see how your relationship is going to be. His mission in life is to make you laugh and you gladly follow along. We are loving you in your new stage as each day seems to bring something new to the mix. You are such a happy little girl and only really get fussy when you are tired or hungry. You recently had RSV and you were a pretty sick baby but your smiled through it all. Here is a glimpse of you at 6 months...
You are not rolling not from your back to your front but from your belly to your back. And you are so proud of yourself when you do this. It cracks me up!
You are trying to sit up and are almost there. You can sit unassisted for a couple seconds now. Wow I just can believe how big you are! You love to play on your mat still and are now enjoying your excersiser.
Your arms and legs are constantly moving. You like to kick and swing your arms. You reach for things you want and put everything in your mouth (including your feet all the time!)
You are still a picky eater and wont eat more then about 4-5 ounces at a time. We started you on solids this month and are working up to three meals a day. You love oatmeal, rice, apples, blueberries, sweet potatoes and pumpkin. You will only eat organic stuff but you are so picky its worth the extra cost. You are not a fan of veggies yet but we will keep trying (plus I dont blame ya :) )
You still nap 3-4 times a day and are usually down for bed by 7-8 at night. You do not sleep well and we are still working on this. You still dont eat enough during the day to make it through the night without wanting to eat. We are hoping the more solids you eat the better you will sleep at night. We can now just put your paci back in your mouth and you will go right back to sleep. Of course this is like 15 times a night. Im looking forward to the day you can find it yourself and put it back in. I think this will be finally be the time you make it through the night!
You are definitely a momma's girl. If you see me in the room, you want me to get you. :)
You respond to your name, and you recognize our voices when we are in another room. If you hear me or your daddy or brother talking somewhere else, you will strain your neck to try and find us.
You light up when you see us and are always so happy!! Don't get me wrong, you can get fussy at times, but overall you are super laid back and content to go with the flow as long as we don't push or alter your schedule too much!
Gracie, you are dearly loved!
You respond to your name, and you recognize our voices when we are in another room. If you hear me or your daddy or brother talking somewhere else, you will strain your neck to try and find us.
You light up when you see us and are always so happy!! Don't get me wrong, you can get fussy at times, but overall you are super laid back and content to go with the flow as long as we don't push or alter your schedule too much!
Gracie, you are dearly loved!
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