Sunday, February 19, 2012


I know wierd name for a blog post but I have to just say how much I love a paci (not for me for Grace!) Noah would never take a paci but he was and is a good sleeper so that didn't bother us much. Now that we have our little Gracie poo who thinks sleep is for the birds we tried the dreaded paci route. I just never wanted to have to wean her from the paci or go through power struggles around it. Well guess what...I have thrown all that bullshit out the door and if a paci is going to help her sleep she can have it till she is 21 for all I care! We are now down to 1 feeding a night thats right 1! We went from 6-8 times getting up a night to 2-3 times. We can pop her paci back in her mouth and she goes right back to sleep. It is heaven! So never ever will I judge people who take this approach...Im sorry that I did in the past....lesson learned! NEVER SAY NEVER bc it always seems to come and bite you in the ass! So if someone asks me if Grace would like a paci I would gladly say YES PLEASE :P

1 comment:

  1. I LOVED binkies. They seriously saved my sanity. Thank goodness all my kids loved them. We took them away probably around 18 months old, and it wasn't horrible. I'm not sure exactly what we did with the boys, but with Addison, we first took them away during the day and only let her have one at nap and bedtime. After a while, we just took them away altogether. I thought it was going to be a nightmare because all 3 were so attached, but it wasn't.
