Friday, March 9, 2012

7 months

My dear Gracie poo,

Wow 7 months old I cant believe how fast time has flown although I should remember it from your brother but it seems as though it has gone by so much faster with you. You are just getting more and more fun everyday. You are so happy and everyone that comes in contact with you says how happy and content you seem. We are so blessed let me tell you! Here is a glimpse of you at seven months old!

You still do not roll from your back to your tummy but can roll from side to side with ease. I think you are just content where you are and when you are ready you will do it.

You are sitting on your own for a good couple seconds until you get excited and then down you go. Its so cute to watch you try these new things and see the wonder in your eyes when you get them down. You will be sitting in no time now which will be different because sitting leads to crawling and crawling leads to walking...two mobile kids OH MY!

We went to the gastro specialist to check on your acid reflux and he said you didn't need your medicine anymore and that the more you ate solids the better you would feel. This was such a relief to us. You seem so much happier now (tummy wise) and that is wonderful! Now you are eating "real" people food like its going out of style. You love fruits and veggies and tried chicken for the first time the other night. The only thing I have seen you refuse to eat is bananas which is the polar opposite of your brother. How can such two different babies come from the same mom and dad! This is baffling to me! You love to sit at the table with us and talk and laugh.

You still get up at night (come on girl lets get this one down!) about 3-4 times although since we introduced the paci we only feed you one of those times. As soon as you can find your paci and put it back in yourself I think we may just start sleeping. Im crossing my fingers that day will come soon although Im not holding my breath :P

You wear 6-9 month clothing but are getting a little too long for those 6 month old stuff. I never thought I would say this but it is so much fun to dress a little girl. To shop for the cutest clothes and put bows in your hair...its just too fun and I love it (yes Kim you were right blah blah)

You are such a joy to be around. I can not wait to see what the next months bring. I love you more then words can ever say!

Love mommy

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