Monday, April 16, 2012

8 months (a little late!)

Dear Grace,
You are eight months old! I feel like the last month went by really fast because of all the changes you have now accomplished. Here is a look at you at eight months old.

You are sitting now by yourself! Yay FINALLY! You sure do rock to the beat of you own drum and will do things as you please. We are sure in for it! You sit and play for hours. You lunge forward to grab things you want but once you are down there is no sitting back up so mommy needs to help.....You are beginning to get frustrated just sitting, but you have made no attempt to take off crawling.

You are loud. Like really loud. Your high pitch scream can break glass. And our ear drums. You scream when you want attention or just when you are happy and overly excited. You also talk and babble constantly. You have dada down pat and scream it when your daddy comes in the room. You are such a daddys girl and its so cute to watch! You have also been saying baba this month. We are working on mama. You are almost there on this one! I cant believe how much more verbal you are then your brother was!

We are working on signing for milk and you are doing pretty good at it. I hope this helps us more at night then anything else!

You are a very happy baby. You only get fussy when you are hungry or tired or when you need a change of activity. You love to laugh.

You are eating like crazy. I don't think there is anything that you have refused! And if you do refuse to eat anymore of anything I can just add some cereal to it and you gobble it down. You love to talk to us when you eat and love to blow food out of your think its and daddy not so much :D

You still get up a couple times a night but not to eat just to get your paci and go back to sleep. Your daddy and I are taking every other night now so its been great getting at least one full nights sleep every other night. And then you will have some nights that you sleep the whole night! I hope to have more and more of these!

You are around 18-19 pounds. You are still in size 3 diapers and you wear 9 month and some 12 month clothing.

You LOVE your brother. You light up when he is around, you want whatever he has, and you love laughing and playing with him! I keep telling everyone you are going to be a tough girl because he is so rough sometimes with you. But you are a sweetie and just go along with the flow.

You are such a sweet little girl and so laid back. Its going to be exciting to see what the next couple of months bring. We love you so much Gracie and are thankful everyday that God gave you to us to love!
