Friday, August 17, 2012

We made it...The big 1 year old!!!

You are so beautiful
Dear Gracie Poo,

You are one year!!!  Yay we made it!  It was so fast too.   I remember the first year with Noah being so much longer.   It is true that the years keep speeding up!  We had such a great time at your first bday party.  Noah and your bdays are so close together that we decided to have a joint party...Pirates and Princesses.  It was so much fun.  Here are some pictures from that day!
Our pirates!

He's such a dork!

Mommy the wench!

Sophia loved helping you open gifts

A new unicorn!

You and Miss Chelsea

You love your daddy

We have not gone to see the dr yet for your 12 month shots but we did go to the orthopedic to see about your neck and hip.  Miss Chelsea came along with mommy to help and thank goodness she did we had to hold you down for them to take an xray.  You my dear only want to be moving!  The Dr said that everything looked great though.  Your hip is perfect now and your neck as well.  So we are done having to go see her YAY!  At that appt you weighed 20 pounds and were 28 inches long.  You are wearing 12-18 month clothing and size 4 diapers.  You are starting to cut out bottles and the days you are at daycare you don't even take one (Im a big girl mommy!)  Your personality is starting to really shine.  You have a temper on you and if you don't get what you out world!  You get that from your daddy hahahaha I can not wait to see what this year brings.  If it was as good as the last then life will be just grand.  We love you Gracie Poo!


Sunday, August 5, 2012

The big 4...where has the time gone!

Noah Bruce Topley,

You are four!  How can that be!  We have had the pleasure of being your parents for four years now...I can't even remember how life was before you graced us with your precence.  The last four years have been wonderful.  You are a smart, energetic and funny little person now.  You are a kind boy who is not afraid to show that you love others.  You make friends easily and quickly.  You love your sister although at times I think you may kill her but she has survived :)  You are a home body and would rather stay in your PJ's then get dressed.  Some days I let you do just that...because who doesn't LOVE a PJ day!  You are starting Pre-K in a couple days.  You seem nervous about it but I know you will do wonderful (don't worry I'm nervous and I kid don't like change do we!)  You are my sweet googily bear and I love you more then I could ever love anything in this world.  You were my first baby and will always be my little love.  Happy Birthday my sweet boy!