Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Finish this sentence...

My best friend says... hell's bells and it makes me giggle every time!

People call me... Everything under the sun. 49% of it is true :)

I most often dream... about things that have happened or I have thought about the previous day.  And I almost always remember them when I wake!

The best part of my day... is when I get home and see the smiling faces of these two! 

I really don't understand... how to follow directions when it comes to putting something together. It totally overwhelms me.  Those pages and pages of instructions and parts..I curl up in a little ball!  If I didn't have Daniel Lego's would be all over the place, the swing set would still be in the box and our outdoor furniture...I'm getting a knot in my stomach just thinking about it!

I get really annoyed...  with the constant girl drama at work.  I'm defiantly ready for summer.

There's nothing like a... perfect swimsuit...I'm pretty sure that doesn't exist!

Lately, I can't get enough... graham crackers...I know not clean eating but its my ONE vise

One thing I am NOT is... a size 2.

I spent too much money on... clothes! I love clothes and new styles! Shopping is my therapy

I want to learn.... how to not let people influence my mood....and to be nicer to my hubby...he deserves it.

I can't stop... running! WTF!

Never have I ever... walked away from a piece of key lime pie :P

Reese Witherspoon... rocks! I loved her!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Here's to you former chubby girl!

I know its been awhile since I have written.  I always try to start a blog on my Friday's off but some how this little girl named Grace seems to want all my attention EVERY MINUTE OF THE DAY!

So here I am...her attached to my leg... crying to get on my lap... and trying to type to you all.  Wish me luck in getting this one finished :)
So as many of you know I have been having major stomach problems.  I'm not able to eat much...and defiantly not all the yummy stuff that I LOVE.  But this has given me the motivation to really change my eating habits.  I have been wanting to start eating "clean" and really watch what I put in my body.  I feel so much better on fruits and veggies it's a wonder I ever go back to that crap that I have always stuff in my mouth.  I am going on two weeks of clean eating.  I have lost a total of five pounds.  I have also started training with Kimmy, Ang and Jackie for our first 5k in July.  I am super stoked to start taking care of my body...goodbye chubby girl...hello healthy girl

Here's to you Healthy Girl: (Inspired by my favorite blog Mamalaughlin)

Here's to working out in between the cries and the hugs
To lacing up when you would rather sit on the couch
To shopping sprees on workout gear instead of cute clothes for work
To blisters and calluses from weight lifting
To coming home from work and changing into workout clothes instead of Pj's :)
To ordering that salad instead of a large juicy burger
To sacrificing "down time" for workouts
For taking the time out of my day to food prep for the week
To chasing my kids around the park instead of sitting there watching
To slipping on a pair of pants that are too big
To buying a smaller size
To embracing your flaws
To running in 100 degree weather
To running when its freezing
To running at all
To eating big ass salads
To skipping that piece of key lime pie
To clothes drenched in sweat
To not hating dressing rooms
To craving fruits and veggies
To being faster, stronger and better then I was yesterday!

P.S.  This only took me an hour and a half to write OYE!!!!
